Summary of Teacher Course Evaluations

Below is a summary of student evaluations completed at the end of each term at the University of Kentucky. I provide the average numerical scores for the courses in my fields I taught as a primary instructor and recitation leader that meet certain criteria such as the “<5 responses threshold”.  Students are asked to rate their level of agreement with my performance on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.

The graph compares my average scores to the mean of the Department of Political Science and the College of Arts and Sciences. The original Teacher Course Evaluations (TCEs) for all the courses summarized are available upon request.

Looking at the graph two trends emerge. First, my teaching is mostly above the means of the political science department and college. This holds true even though my introductory courses attract students with diverse majors who are not always excited about the course material, which tends to decrease overall evaluations. Second, I am very pleased that my ratings are highest on questions pertaining to my teaching philosophy and commitment to diversity including fostering critical thinking, real-world applicability of concepts, effective and quality teaching, and appreciation and respect for the diversity of my students and their views.

Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree 2=Disagree 3=Neither Disagree or Agree 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree


Note:  the categories in the graph correspond to the following questions in the TCE:

Preparedness: “The instructor was prepared for class”

Teaching Quality: “The instructor provided quality teaching”

Critical Analysis: “The instructor asked questions that stimulated deep consideration of the course content”

Effectiveness /Clarity: “The instructor presented material clearly”

Effective Communication: “The instructor responded to questions in a manner that aided my understanding of the material”

Respect & Diversity: “The instructor treated students with respect”


Selected Student Comments